So why not improve you?
We prioritise all the time, but how many times do we put our Personal Development first?
Mum's will put their kids first and themselves second (or in many cases last), but as a result they lose focus on their health. This is just an example. When they could instead, focus on improving their health, and as a result, their kids enjoy a happy healthier mum?
It is often that at the risk of feeling selfish they are neglecting their own personal needs, resulting in a grumpy unhealthy mum. This in turn has a negative impact on their kids although their best intentions are at heart. Again, this is just an example.
We see this all the time, in all areas of life. The best leaders in the world are all successful in one thing, Personal Development (PD). Improving you, will directly have a positive impact in everything you do, it really is that simple.
So my question to you is; Where does PD rank in your priorities? How many hours or minutes a week do you dedicate to PD? These are some great questions to ask yourself right now and imagine if you had been doing some form of PD, what impact it could have on your life right now.
So what is PD?
Personal Development is the process that you undergo or activities that you participate in to improve the quality of your life in any area, whether it be:
- Goal Setting (your 50 life goals)
- Reading Self Help Books
- Exercise and Food plans
- Listening to audio books
- Writing a Blog
- Education/ Courses
- Dedication to some "Me Time" doing something you really enjoy (Hobby)
The list goes on, but I'm sure you get my drift.
Simple by dedicating 1 hour a day to PD, whether it is first thing in the morning or the last thing you do before you go to bed, an extra 7 hours a week of working on your quality of life sounds pretty good doesn't it?
You could even turn this into one of your 50 goals? I will Achieve a total of 1,820 hours of PD in the next 5 years, and record this in a PD logbook. Imagine the impact this would have on your quality of life, compared to the amount of PD you are doing right now.
Take 5 minutes to reflect on your last 5 years, and how much PD you have done/ could have done.
This is quite a powerful exercise, and again a very simple one.
Have you been doing enough, or any at all?
I hope this post gives you a little more clarity of how in control you are, of your quality of life.
I hope this post gives you a little more clarity of how in control you are, of your quality of life.
You are the common Denominator in everything you do. So start improving YOU!
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Please leave feedback, thank you for reading!