Thursday, 31 May 2012

Can you hear something?

That little voice in your head is very powerful, in fact it is always telling you what you can and can't do!

What does your little voice say? What is the story you tell yourself about what you are capable of?
Do you approach everything you do knowing you are going to do well and give it your best, or is that little voice stopping you from even trying? saying, I can't do that. Does your little voice limit what you are capable of, so as a result you become content with good enough?

Have you noticed that sometimes instead of aiming for 100%, we go into a test aiming to get anything above 50% because it is a pass. Do you notice that when we give things a go we don't try and be the best at it, rather we aim to not be the worst.
"I don't want to aim for a time in that run, I just want to run, I would be happy not to come last."
Sometimes we develop a pattern of doing just enough instead of trying to exceed in everything we do. Is this what we really want, or is it what our little voice is telling us?

Have you ever tried challenging that little voice, or changing your inner story?
Your inner story is that story you tell yourself about who you are and what you are capable of. Below are some examples that I have then challenged.
"I'm not a runner, my body wasn't designed for running" - is there a design is there?
"I will never be good at sport" - no, not with that attitude you won't be.
"I'll never lose weight, this is the best my body will be, these last 3 kilos are the hardest" - who told you that there is 3 kilos to go, who set that marker for you?

What if you approached everything with a different mind set, with a bit more belief.
"I can do that, and I'll do my best to be the best."
Or instead of saying "I am not a runner" why don't we say; "I have never run before but I will give it a go"? How many more doors and opportunities to be greater will this provide you with? Imagine the possibilities. We are capable of doing some amazing things, so why don't we let ourselves? is it that little voice?

Our little voice is fuelled by our self belief. Belief is a very powerful thing. Like many say, to believe is to achieve and I totally agree. So next time that little voice says I can't, put it on mute and have a go, because you always can. You will soon see that by having a go you will start to achieve. When you start to achieve that will fuel your belief in the most important thing, and that is, the belief in yourself!

Remember what you believe will determine what you tell yourself, your little voice, your inner story. Your little voice will control your behaviour. Your behaviour will influence your character. And your character will determine your success. So lets start being nice to ourselves and showing a little more belief.

It all starts with that little voice in our heads..

Can you hear something? Yes I can. It says I CAN DO IT!

Good Luck!


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