Friday, 1 June 2012

Take your sunnies off, everything will look so much brighter!

Are you wearing sunglasses all the time? Do you perceive things to be worse than they actually are? Take them off! Everything will become so much brighter and better!
Sometimes we need to do what it takes to be or have what we really want.

I am sure you have heard this before. You must be before you become, or the catch phrase, fake it till you make it. 

How true is that!

Often we look at others we want to be like and wish we could; do, be, or have what they have. Not realising that we are only a set of behaviours away from doing what they do, being like they are, or having what they have. We simply give into the fact that we could never do, be or have what they have. (Is it that little voice again, telling you what is or isn't possible? do you have those sunnies on?) What we tend to do very well though, is create excuses as to why this is so. e.g
"He/She is just lucky. How could someone like that have such a nice house, drive such a nice car, have such a high position at that company, have so many friends, play at such a high level?"

You see there is no such thing as luck. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Being in the right place at the right time is not enough, you need to be prepared when you find yourself in the right place. When you are prepared, that is when you get results. Preparation doesn't come from making excuses as to why you aren't there yet. It comes from taking ownership of your goals and your actions.

My dad taught me this when a was very young, when all I dreamed about was becoming a football star. He said to me "the only difference between you and the best in the world is hours of training. That's it. If you want to be the best you need to do what the best are doing. If they train twice a day, you need to train twice a day to be just as good as them, but if you want to be better you need to train three times a day.

Here I am thinking, well  if the South American football stars are all training twice a day, playing football before school, at lunchtime and then after school, then I better get a move on! So I did. I would even take it as far as putting on my Brazilian Jersey after school, running out to the backyard pretending I was Ronaldo (the best at the time) and I would practice, and practice and practice. You see, I was being before I could become. I was being Ronaldo, the best.

I may have been young but what I was doing was a form of visualization, and I bet you did that too! Visualization has been monumental for me in my years pursuing my goals and dreams. I would picture myself already there, I would see it, feel it, live it and become motivated to get there. It would almost become more of a reality as I did this. Many times this served as a confidence booster. I would begin to believe that I could do it. And when you believe, that's when that little voice in your head begins to encourage you to have a go, rather than giving you 100 reasons why you might fail.

Activity - A little bit of accountability here, did you begin setting your 50 life goals?

  • Pick one or a few of your 50 life goals
  • Now close your eyes for 2-3mins and picture it, pretend you are there, look around, what can you see, hear, what do you feel? You have just achieved a Life Goal, what is it like!?
When you visualize your goals, they become real. When you can attach that feeling to everything you do that will propel you towards your goal, it then becomes more motivating. And with motivation anything is possible!

Give it a go, visualize your goals. Be before you become. Take ownership of your goals and behaviours. Believe you can and you will!

Good Luck!


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