Monday 4 June 2012

Keep swimming, it’s the last few strokes that separate the good from the greatest!

Imagine going for a swim.
You are gliding through the water, an unstoppable force, with your eyes set on the edge of the pool in the distance. You continue to power through the water with each and every stroke, however now you are beginning to fatigue. Still you continue to swim knowing that the edge is quite far away, you have no choice. You push and you push and suddenly you find yourself 3m away from the edge of the pool, you decide to stop!

What would you do? Gather your every last breath and push til you reach the edge? Or accept that you are going to drown and give up?

It is very often we chose the second option in this analogy when we are faced with similar scenarios in our everyday life. The common one in weight loss;
“these last two kilos are the hardest to lose, I will never get there” – and we all know very well it’s because they have simply chosen to stop swimming with 3m left to go, no other reason.

Ask yourself, how bad do you want it? Whatever your goal may be (refer to your 50 life goals). Is giving up just before the finishing line a habit of yours? Is there a pattern in your behaviour here?

A good test to perform on your behaviour is to reflect on times you have say, run a race. You have set out on the run and then began to slow down knowing the finish line was a few steps away instead of running through until you knew you crossed it. This can become a pattern in your everyday life. I will wash the dishes, but the last few I will just quickly rinse. Or I would finish all my homework tonight, but I can do that last little bit in the morning.

My suggestion to you is – See it through. Whether the task big or small, it’s not about that. It’s about seeing it through til the end with the same intensity you started. Make it a behaviour. Make it a habit. You probably know someone who gives 100% in everything they do, whether it is something small or a grand task. You see for these kinds of people giving 100% is a habit, they can’t help it. Whatever they do, they want it to be perfect or at least give it their best effort. Not a bad way to be if you ask me!

How can I become a 100% person?
Start with the small things. These are the hardest things to get motivated by. See it through and do it to the best of your ability. Slowly you will start to adopt this attitude with all tasks and challenges thrown your way, and you will become one of those people.

How will you know you are doing it? Results will come your way.

Remember; start small and work your way up. And when you find yourself 3m from the edge of the pool don’t stop! Keep swimming, it’s the last few strokes that separate the good from the greatest!

Good Luck!


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