Monday 18 June 2012

Let's play the Blame game

It’s not my fault vs. It's up to me 
...something to get you thinking 
which one are you?

There is a significant link between what you achieve, and what you believe you can achieve, in fact we are the creators of our own destiny in more ways than one. We alone are responsible for what we are capable of achieving and what we actually achieve. But why is it at times we chose to play the blame game. We blame other people, our environment, our situation, our surroundings, our friends or anything other than the real reason we don’t achieve something – ourselves. Rather than taking ownership of our goals and being responsible for the outcome, we quickly pass the buck if we fail to achieve them.

The difference between someone who achieves great things and someone who doesn’t is very simple. An achiever will take ownership of their goal and hold themselves accountable for their actions all the way through until they achieve it. They will take full responsibility for the outcome from the beginning through to the end – success or failure. With this attitude they are able to learn from their failures and quickly turn them into successes.

On the other end of the spectrum we have people who are in denial. They blame almost anything other than themselves for their failures and as a result do not learn from their mistakes. They continue this pattern of thinking and as a result their pattern in failure. It is a vicious circle, so we must be aware of our behaviour and always look to ourselves for the answer first before we play the blame game - if we play it at all...

So what can you do?
  1. Take ownership of your goals
  2. Keep yourself accountable for your goals
  3. Take responsibility for the outcome of your efforts
  4. Use your failures to propel yourself forward
  5. Be successful, your success is in the palm of your hands

We are the creators of our own destiny so it is up to us to make things happen. Get out there, dream big and achieve big!

It's up to you...

Good Luck!


1 comment:

  1. Please leave me some feedback, thank you very much for reading :)
