Tuesday 19 June 2012

Do you enjoy the detail each moment has to offer?

What just happened? Today went so quickly, what did I do? I blinked and it was gone
 a day I will never get back..

I was sitting here thinking about tomorrow's activities and it struck me, how often do we think about the future and fail to enjoy the present?

Do you do it too?

You wake up in the morning and already your focus is on the day ahead? ..You start the day and your focus is already on what you are doing tonight? ..You are spending the night and already your focus is on what's on for tomorrow? ..You're waiting all week for the weekend, and already you begin to anticipate what's in store for you the next weekend? ..You are off on a holiday and already you are thinking about what you have to do when you return home? ..it goes on and on. I am sure you are sitting there thinking of similar situations.

The more I think about this, the more it comes to my attention that we tend to wish our lives away one moment at a time. We are always looking to what is next. The best way I can describe it is through doing an activity. Our approach to life is similar to this;

  • Get a small portrait photo or a picture and hold it it up in front of you - this symbolises the present moment
  • Now stare at the picture, but focus on the background, on what lays beyond the picture you are holding - whilst you may be looking at the picture you fail to see the detail and grasp what it has to offer
  • As you do this the picture becomes blurry and the background much clearer

This to me is a perfect example of what we sometimes do in our everyday lives. As a result we tend to miss out on all the detail each moment has to offer. In essence we fail to embrace entirely what each moment (picture) has to offer, because our focus is elsewhere.

This is not to say that focusing on your future is a bad thing, or that we should live from moment to moment. However, we need to balance the two and not get lost in wishing our lives away.

Sometimes we need to pause, get our eyes back on the picture in our hands and enjoy all the detail it has to offer - you never know what you may be missing when you look beyond what is directly in front of you.

Take the time to appreciate, to be grateful, and the time to enjoy each moment. Life is a precious thing; don't wish it away one moment at a time...

Just a thought...



  1. Thank you for reading, please leave some feedback :)

  2. Nic, your blog, like almost everything you put out into the universe, is inspiring and thought-provoking. Without lecturing or preaching, you manage to succinctly target the negative thoughts and processes I often find myself engaging in, and you offer simple tips to overcome these things. You are a wonderful role model, and as much as I enjoy training with you, I enjoy reading these posts equally, because where the training is a place I can make positive physical changes, reading the words you write encourages me to make positive changes to my thoughts and attitudes. It is such a positive message you are sending out, I hope you stay with it.

    1. Thank you very much Kylie - these posts help me a lot too! :)
