Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Yes' and No's ..How many do you have left?

This Post is specific to fat loss.
When you find yourself at that point where it hits you.. 
"I'm overweight and I need to do something about it today!"

I am going to put it very simply - I love this analogy.
This analogy is in regard to food and lifestyle choices we make and what impact they can have on our health...

Pretend you have two bags with you at all times. One has a limited number of Yes' in it, and the other has an equal amount of No's inside.

 How it works is like this; you can not refill either of the bags until you have completely finished up all your Yes' and your No's. Both bags need to be empty before your refill. Ok are you ready?

Lets start with a few scenarios - feel free to do this with scenarios that you can relate to;

You start off healthy and have a well balanced lifestyle..

Your friends invite you out for a few drinks - you say YES
You don't plan your meals this week and are confronted by take away at the nearest food court, you ask yourself; should I just get some take away? - you say YES
Its a long weekend and you think to yourself; should I sleep in and miss my first two meals - you say YES
You are at home and your friends say; Let's order some pizza - you say YES

Scenarios like this continue and one day;

you find yourself at that point where it hits you.. 
"I'm overweight and I need to do something about it today!"

I'm sure you see where I am going with this..

...You have started a training and healthy eating regime and you are confronted with the same scenarios;

Your friends invite you out for a few drinks - you say NO thank you

You don't plan your meals this week and are confronted by take away at the nearest food court, you ask yourself; should I just get some take away? - you say NO I'll wait til I get home
Its a long weekend and you think to yourself; should I sleep in and miss my first two meals - you say NO I'll get up early and train before breakfast
You are at home and your friends say; Let's order some pizza - you say NO, that's fine guys I'll cook something

As a PT I have witnessed my friends saying that it's hard making these changes because they feel deprived, they feel like they are missing out, like they are saying No to everything now! - this can sometimes be upsetting and frustrating for some.

Its understandable why you may feel like you are saying NO all the time when you are participating in making  healthy lifestyle changes and have committed to making a positive difference in your life - you see in the first scenarios you used up all your Yes'.

Now you have to use up all you have left, and due to your previous lifestyle choices all you have left is a whole lot of No's.

Like I mentioned earlier, the rules are simple. You cannot not refill your bags until both are empty. So whilst you may feel like you are saying NO all the time, remember it's only because you have been saying nothing but YES previous to this.

Life is about balance, so think twice before you use up all your Yes', try and even them out with some No's in between, you will find that this will lead to a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and you wont feel like you are "missing out" and saying No to everything.

Something to think about..

Not a bad way to look at it, if I say so myself.

Good Luck!


PS. couldn't help myself, I had to post this now rather than waiting - I'll leave a little more time in-between my posts.. maybe.

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