Monday 9 July 2012

You can never become happy, but you can always be happy...

You can never become happy, but you can always be happy...

Happiness is a choice, what have you chosen to be today?

I am a strong believer that if you apply a positive attitude to anything you do, you guarantee a better chance of success.

Positive affirmations are a great way to start your day, whether they are written or spoken - they help you kick the day off with smile and with confidence.

Whilst this may seem like a simple concept, and a little silly for some. It is actually quite effective. Starting your day with a smile is almost guaranteed to put you in a great frame of mind, to tackle any challenges your day may throw your way. And a statement that affirms things to be true gives you confidence to tackle the day knowing you will succeed.

Begin to use positive language in your thinking, this will stem back to that "inner voice" I have mentioned in previous blogs. If your "inner voice" is a positive voice, your actions in turn will be positive actions. Your every day approach will be a positive one which will create for you positive results.

Some example of positive affirmations are;
  • I am excited for my day ahead because I am going to be my best at work today.
  • I am excited for my studies today, I am one step closer to my degree and my new career.
  • I am going to have a great day today, just because I can and that is the kind of person I am.
  • I am a happy person and I am going to share my positive attitude with all my friends today.
Some weight loss examples are;
  • I am at my goal weight, and it feels amazing.
  • I am losing weight every week.
  • I am fitting into my new clothes and I look fantastic.
  • I hit my goal because I have a healthy lifestyle.
A great way to understand the advantage of a positive outlook on life is through the outlook of a child. A child doesn't wake up thinking "how on earth will I get through today!?" 
A child wakes up filled with positivity and excited; for breakfast, for cartoons, to play games, to go to school, to play sport, to get to swimming. A child also has the ability to bring out the best in anyone. How often do you see adults go from miserable beings to the most cheerful and bubbly people in the presence of a happy child.

Happiness is infectious! 
Think about it; How likeable are happy people?!
It is also very much the opposite case with unhappy and negative people.

I cannot think of one negative attached to choosing to be happy, or choosing to have a positive approach on life. In fact when given the choice to be unhappy or happy which would you chose? So why is it we always try and hold onto anger or sadness? It is important to have a balance of the two, like anything balance is key. However the choice is yours. So when you are looking for positive results, stop and make the choice.

Write it or say it
"I am happy today. When I am happy I do great things!"

Many times the best thing to do is smile, and automatically you begin to feel the positivity take over.

You can never become happy, but you can always be happy. Happiness is a choice!

Good Luck!


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