Saturday 21 July 2012

Life is your classroom

Earning only comes before learning in the dictionary - have you heard that before?

It is quite often we look to gain wealth before knowledge and this is a common mistake, especially amongst our newest generations. Generation Y and Z. But lets not generalize, it is common amongst many people.

The ladder of success is not horizontal, it is vertical - by this I mean it can only be scaled from the bottom. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be at the top before you even begin, actually its quite good to have your sights on the top - your eventual goal, but, it is important we understand that each and every step is crucial in one's success.

Each step of the ladder holds key information, key experiences and key lessons we must learn in order to progress successfully.

You see with each experience comes a valuable lesson that prepares you for your next endeavour - starting at the top without being prepared in more cases than one results in failure. This is why we must not get ahead of ourselves, trying to skip essential lessons and learnings life throws our way.

It is important we too  understand that challenges and obstacles can only make us stronger and better prepared, for when you reach the top, risks become bigger, responsibilities become greater your room for error narrows - forcing you to rely on the lessons you learnt along your climb.

In essence we must ride the wave of life, learning as much as we can, exposing ourselves to as much as we can without losing sight of our eventual goals. Because it is with each and every lesson we learn, that we scale a step higher in our ladders of success - our ladder of wealth and well being.

I encourage you to be open to new things, to new learnings, and expose yourself to as many forms of personal development that you can - because earning only comes before learning in the dictionary - not in the journey of life.

Good Luck!


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