Monday 13 August 2012

knowledge is like sunscreen, useless if you don't apply it..

Apply: to put to practical use.

How simple is that?! - it depends doesn't it, or does it?

If it is within my control, why can't I bring myself to doing it?

I know what to do, I'm just not doing it?

I want to dedicate this post to all the people reading this, thinking - that's me. I have the know how, I have the knowledge, I've read the books, I've done the Personal Development, but I'm yet to apply any of it.
Why haven't I done anything with this knowledge?

This is a great time to be honest and ask yourself a series of questions;

  • What is it I am afraid of? rejection? failure? success? the unknown? being under prepared? Use this to identify your potential "temporary" barriers. Understand that all of these challenges are in your control, hence why they are only temporary.
  • Is this what I really want?
  • How will I feel if I was to apply myself?
  • What are the Pros and Cons of taking action?
  • Do I understand that I can only get better from giving things a go?
I is easy to get lost in "doing lots of nothing" and equally as easy to convince yourself that doing things, but not doing them well is enough. I will give you an example of what I mean;
  • E.g. I go to the gym 3 times a week - however when I am there I workout at 50% of what I am capable of, I don't really apply myself. Yet, I still get upset at the fact I'm not getting results? - I convince myself that going to the gym is good enough, however based on my results its obvious its not. - This example shows that we can hide behind just doing things. Forgetting that its how we do things that matters.
The only thing we can do is confront our fears. Do it today!
A quote I like, that my dad has consistently repeated to me;
"Don't leave for tomorrow, what you can do today!"
This is so true, we all do it!

So; If you are afraid of making a cold call, practice, train yourself, do some role play - if you are afraid of approaching a business on your own, take someone with you - if you are afraid of not succeeding, remind yourself that without attempting something first, its impossible to succeed - Remember 90% of the things we worry about, don't actually end up happening! think about it..

So, when you do things, do them well. 

Turn that into a habit. If with everything you do this week, you do it to your best, I guarantee you that you will get results. It's impossible not to! If you continue to cut corners, or put things off, that will also become a habit - and that is definitely not a habit conducive to success.

Apply: to put to practical use.

How simple is that? Very - you can do it today!

knowledge is like sunscreen, useless if you don't apply it..

Good Luck!


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